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The role of Lomonosov in the formation of the early modern Russian literary language

AutorMcGill University, Montreal
Zingg, Olgica
BeschreibungMasterarbeit im Volltext zum Thema "The role of Lomonosov in the formation of the early modern Russian literary language".
Datumcreated: 06-06-2010, last updated: 10-11-2020
ScreenshotThe role of Lomonosov in the formation of the early modern Russian literary language
SpracheEnglisch (eng)
SchlagwörterRussisch ; Lomonosov, Michail V. ; Literatursprache ; Kodifizierung
KlassifikationSprache (400)
Russland (947.1)
BKHistorische Linguistik (17.15)
Russische Sprache (18.52)
DokumententypEinzelne Hochschulschriften
Individual Theses and Dissertations
KeywordsРоссийская грамматика, Рассуждение о пользе книг церковных в российском языке
PURLCitation link

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The Oktoikh 1629 - Text and Commentary / University of Oslo
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A.M. Gorky Institut of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Science / Institut Mirovoj Literatury Imeni A. M. Gor'kogo