Портал славістики


The databases of Slavistik-Portal

WebsiteWebsite info
FID serviceSpecialised Information Service Slavistics
UBO AccessAccess and use of the database "Universitetskaja biblioteka online" (UBO)
DoD SlavisticsDoD (Digitisation on Demand) Slavistics
Buy me a book ("Wunschbuch" Slawistik)Acquisition proposal Slavistics via Berlin State Library (SBB)
DictionariesDictionaries for Slavic Studies
(Slav)DictHubSearchable Slavic dictionaries (LexiconPGL, LexiconPGL-Compendia, SlownikPRN, KratkijSlovar, Pawlowsky, SlaVaComp-Metaglossar, MultiSlavDict)
Slavic dictionaries on the netList of Slavic dictionaries that can be found on the net (DictSlavColl)
MultiSlavDictThe Multilingual Dictionary of Slavic Languages (MultiSlavDict)
Text corporaText corpora on the basis of "Kirchenslavica digital"
(Slav)CorpHubKSL-OldPrints, Search in GT texts of KSL-OldPrints-digital, Search in RAW texts of KSL-OldPrints-digital, Kirchenslavica Digital
Databases overviewDatabases overview Slavistics
DBIS SlavisticsDatabase Info System (DBIS) Slavistics
Online resourcesOnline resources Slavistics
Slavistik-GuideSubject Gateway Slavistics (Slavistics Guide)
BibliographiesBibliographies to Slavistics
Subject bibliographies SlavisticsSubject bibliographies Slavistics (BibSlaArb, BibDatSlav, MatSlavBib, BibSlawPub, BibSlavKon, Olbislav, KempgenDB, BibMatSlaw, OLCSla)
Regional bibliographies SlavisticsRegional bibliographies Slavistics (SorBib, BibCzechLing, RussGus, BernStZ, EBSEES)
Further servicesFurther services to Slavistics
SP LabSlavistik-Portal Lab(oratory) with Widgets, Translit, Language Detection und SlavCorp