Портал славістики


Subject Gateway Slavistics

The Subject Gateway Slavistics (Slavistics Guide) covers relevant online resources. All resources are indexed according to bibliographic and librarian standards (Dublin Core, Dewey Decimal Classification, Basisklassifikation, subject headings). The list with the subject headings is located here. The newest online source are available as rss RSS-Feed.

Your search for Altes Testament (Tenach) (221) provides 1 hits

Ветхий Завет : Бытие : Глава 1 / Патриархия.ru

Text des Alten Testaments in russischer Sprache auf der offiziellen Webseite des Moskauer Patriarchats, unterteilt nach Büchern und Kapiteln.
Pfeil http://www.patriarchia.ru/bible/gen/