Портал славістики


Church Slavonic Old Prints

The database of Church Slavonic (old) prints of the SBB-PK offers an overview of the prints and the approximately 1000 pages obtained and proofread with Transkribus in "Ground Truth" quality. The full text search in the text corpus of the GT data can be carried out via this widget.


[Breviarium Romanum Slavonico Idiomate, Part 3] Breviarium Romanum Slavonico Idiomate Iussu SS. D. N. Papae Pii Sexti Editum, : In Duas Anni Partes Divisum = Časoslov Rimskij Slavenskim Jazikom Pars 3, Officia Sanctorum Slavonico Idiomate Recitanda De Præcepto Ex Indulto Apostolico In Aliquibus Locis

JahrRomae - Sac. Congregatio De Propaganda Fide - 1791 - 270 S. 8°
SubjectsBreviarium Romanum Slavonico Idiomate
PURLCitation link