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Institute for Literature : Bulgarian Academy of Science

AutorInstitut za Literatura
Bălgarska Akademija na Naukite
Трайкова, Елка [Trajkova, Elka]
BeschreibungDie Webseite des "Instituts für Literatur" der bulgarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften bietet eine Reihe von Informationen (Struktur, Projekte) und Materialien (Zeitschrift "Literaturna mis'l", Bulletins).
The Institute for Literature at the BAS is a research center for Bulgarian Literature from the Middle Ages to the present day, in its theoretical, historical, cultural and comparative aspects. European, Asian, African and Australian Literatures are also examined at the Institute.The main areas of research at the Institute are: Old Bulgarian Literature, Bulgarian Renaissance Literature, Modern and Contemporary Bulgarian Literature, Theory of Literature, Comparative Literature and Bibliographical Studies.
Datumcreated: 05-05-2009, last updated: 01-06-2018
ScreenshotInstitute for Literature : Bulgarian Academy of Science
SpracheEnglisch (eng); Bulgarisch (bul)
SchlagwörterBulgarien ; Forschungsinstitut ; Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften
KlassifikationLiteratur (800)
Bulgarien (949.9)
Literaturgeschichte (800.09)
BKLiteraturgeschichte (17.71)
Bulgarische Sprache und Literatur (18.61)
Akademien der Wissenschaften
Research facilities
Academies of Sciences
KeywordsInstitut za Literatura
PURLCitation link

Ähnliche Titel:

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