Портал славістики



Der Fachinformationsführer für Slavistik (Slavistik-Guide) verzeichnet qualitativ hochwertige, wissenschaftlich relevante Internetquellen des Faches. Alle Internetquellen werden nach bibliographischen und bibliothekarischen Standards (Dublin Core, DDC, BK, Schlagworte) erschlossen. Die Liste der Schlagwörter befindet sich hier. Die neuesten Internetquellen sind als rss RSS-Feed verfügbar.



AutorCenter for Russian and East European Studies
BeschreibungAn internet portal providing links to resources in Russian and Eastern European Studies. The portal may be searched by subject, geographical region, culture, time period, and keyword. Subject categories such as "economic policy" and "economics/business" are included in the browsing feature.
Created in 1993, REESWeb is the Virtual Library covering Russia and Eastern Europe. In its history, REESWeb has sought to help users identify high quality web content that is located in or focuses on the region stretching from Bohemia to Central Asia.All web sites listed in REESWeb are vetted by the editors, categorized for easy searching, and annotated to provide users with a good idea of what they will find upon visiting a site. This hands-on orientation places a high value on precision and quality in its listings rather than volume and, as such, should provide helpful to researchers, academics and casual users who want to find relevant material on the web rather than sifting through thousands of search results.
Datumcreated: 03-02-2005, last updated: 26-10-2023
SpracheEnglisch (eng)
SchlagwörterRussland ; Osteuropa ; Portal <Internet>
KlassifikationBibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (020)
Sprache (400)
Literatur (800)
Osteuropa (947)
BKSprach- und Literaturwissenschaft: Allgemeines (17.00)
Slawische Sprachen und Literaturen: Allgemeines (18.50)
DokumententypPortale, Virtuelle Bibliotheken und Fachinformationsführer
Web Portals, Virtual Libraries, Subject Gateways
PURLCitation link

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