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Slavistische Arbeitsbibliographie von Prof. S. Kempgen

Die "Slavistische Arbeitsbibliographie von Prof. S. Kempgen" enthält ca. 17.000 Titel zur slavischen Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft mit besonderen Schwerpunkten in der Ost- und Südslawistik (Russland und Balkanraum). Die Schlagwortliste befindet sich hier.

Ihre Suche nach C4740 lieferte 60 Treffer

"Address to Pope Martin V," trans. Louise R. Loomis. The Council of Constance: the Unification of the Church

Camblak, G. - New York, Columbia UP, 1961

Croatian Language Elements in the Russian Church Slavonic Translation of Maccebees in the Gennadij Bible

Foster, P.M.Jr. - in: Prvi hrvatski slavističi kongres, Zbornik radova I, Zagreb (1997) 557-567

The life cycle of a definiteness marker: the long and short form of the adjective in Old Church Slavonic, Russian, Serbian and Croatian

Hansen, B. - in: Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku (2004) 43-49

Patriarch Nikon on Church and State. Nikon's Refutation. Edited, with introduction and notes by V.A. Tumins & G. Vernadsky

Tumins, V.A.; Vernadsky, G. (eds.) - The Hague, 1983, 812 p.

Aspects of the Slavic Language Questions; Volume I: Church Slavonic - South Slavic - West Slavic. Volume II: East Slavic

Picchio, R.; Goldblatt, H. - Columbus, Ohio, 1984

Monasteries and Convents of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. An Historical Review. English Translation by Theophilos Lasswell

Seide, G. - München, 1990

A Russian Church Slavonic Kannonik (1331-1332). A comparative textual and structural study including an analysis of the russian Computus

Baar, A.H. van den. - The Hague, 1969

Greek-Old church Slavic concordance to the oldest versions of the translations of the gospel texts (Codices Marianus, Zographenis, Assemanianus, Ostromiri)

Lysen, I. - in: Studia Slavica Upsaliensia (1996) ?_?

The Origins of Russian Music. Introduction to the Kondakarian Notation. Revised, Translated and with a Chapter on Relationships between Latin, Byzantine and Slavonic Church Music by Neil K. Moran

Floros, C. - Frankfurt a. Main u.a., Peter Lang, 2009, XX, 311 p., ill

The Lavrsky-Troicky Kondakar. Facsimile edition. A rare 12th century Russian musical manuscript, one of only five surviving Paleoslavonic Kondakaria from the Kievan period. With an English commentary and a table of contents with incipits in Greek and church Slavonic
